
Founded in 1979, the Police Foundation has been highly successful in influencing policing policy and practice, through research, policy analysis and training and consultancy.


1979: The Police Foundation was founded by Lord Harris of Greenwich.

1983: Annual lecture. The inaugural Police Foundation annual lecture was given by HRH The Prince of Wales.

1985: Investigating Rape: a new approach for the police. Authored by the future Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair. An influential analysis of rape investigation methods and procedures in the UK which led to immediate changes in police procedures and training.

1994: Roadcraft. The Foundation published the first entirely new edition of the police driver’s manual since the 1930s.

1996: Independent Inquiry into the Role and Responsibilities of the Police. The inquiry’s recommendations on sharing aspects of policing led to the introduction of police community support officers.

1999: Independent Inquiry into the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. This inquiry led to the reclassification of cannabis in 2004.

1997 – 1999: Hotspotting. This project worked in Thames Valley and Northumbria to turn crime hotspotting theory into practice.

2004: Independent Inquiry into Alternatives to Custody. The inquiry made a number of recommendations, including changes to sentencing policy.

2003 – 2006: Local Resolution of Police Complaints. This three year assessment of the local resolution process resulted in several recommendations being taken forward by the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

2006: The Value of Foot Patrol. The Foundation conducted an evaluation of community policing initiatives prior to the Home Office’s introduction of Neighbourhood Policing Teams.

2007 – 2009: Citizen Focus and Community Engagement. This ground breaking project saw the Foundation work with Norfolk Constabulary in developing a citizen focused approach across the force.

2010: Independent Commission on Youth Crime and Antisocial  Behaviour. This inquiry recommended  the use of restorative justice and the end of custody for children and young people who pose no danger to themselves or others.