A natural experiment in neighbourhood policing


A natural experiment in neighbourhood policing

This paper brings together what we learnt about neighbourhood during the Police Foundation’s Police Effectiveness in a Changing World project. The project examined the challenges facing the police service in a changing world. It also looked at the implications for how policing is delivered in the twenty first century.

Neighbourhood policing is regarded as the bedrock of policing in England and Wales. But due to changing demand and shrinking police budgets how it is delivered  varies widely. In some cases it has become diluted and diminished.

We contrasted two very different neighbourhood policing models. Through our analysis we asked whether they help the police to work in ways the evidence shows is most effective. We came to a number of conclusions. For example, well informed, engaged and proactive neighbourhood policing is a crucial part of tackling new challenges confronting the police. To build the next generation of neighbourhood policing capable of delivering the Policing Vision 2025 we must define its purpose, know what skills are needed and how these will differ between neighbourhoods.