Performance masterclasses

How are these courses relevant to policing?

Performance is a contentious topic that has come back into focus with the Home Secretary’s announcement of targets for tackling serious crime.

However in recent years awareness of flaws in the old ‘top-down’ target culture, alongside a shift in focus away from volume crime outcomes and towards ‘demand management’, have meant that many of the old methods of measuring and managing police performance have fallen out of favour.

While Force Management Statements will have a significant impact on police business processes, right now there is no single performance management approach. This means police forces must now develop their own ways of measuring what they are doing well and identifying where they need to improve. This understanding is vital if they are to invest their time and resources in the things that matter.

This series of Masterclasses will equip police analysts and staff to understand, advise on and help improve their organisation’s performance. They can be taken as individual units or as a course of three modules.

Who are these courses for?

Police officers and police staff involved in managing, understanding, improving or analysing performance. Staff working in the wider public sector with similar roles have also attended these courses.

How they taught?

The courses provide a good balance of conceptual background and sound practical advice and are presented by Malcolm Hibberd in an engaging, entertaining and sometimes challenging way.

Find out more

Performance Masterclass 1

Performance Masterclass 2

Performance Masterclass 3