Watch the latest leadership insights on evidence-based policing

Global Collaboration of Evidence-Based Policing 2024

The Global Collaboration of Evidence-Based Policing 2024 kicks off in Melbourne, with a two-day conference: 2nd-4th September ‘What Works in Policing for Community Safety and Our People’ followed by symposiums focused on ‘Gender Diversity’ and ‘Youth Crime and Gangs’. 

The Australasian event is followed by the UK Society of Evidence Based Policing annual conference: ‘What Works for the Frontline’ hosted at the University of Cambridge, 11th-12th September.

With a strong lineup of local, international and police practitioner speakers, and a sharp focus on collaboration and enabling the frontline, the two events will generate hours of practical insights into ‘what works’.

Profile picture of R Mark Evans

As part of the build-up to the two events, Police Foundation Senior Associate Fellow, R. Mark Evans OBE, interviewed influential evidence-based policing practitioner leaders from a number of countries.

The leadership line-up: 

  • Alex Murray, T/Chief Constable, NPCC Lead for AI and Chair of the Society of Evidence-Based Policing (SEBP) – UK.
  • Dave Cowan, Superintendent, Victoria Police and President, Australia New Zealand Society of Evidence-Based Policing (ANZSEBP) – Australia.
  • Jason Potts, Public Safety Director/Chief for the City of Las Vegas – Department of Public Safety; National Policing Institute Executive Fellow and President, American Society of Evidence-Based Policing (ASEBP) – USA.
  • Valérie Peeck, (Researcher and Adviser, Amsterdam Police) and Ruben Boomsma (Lieutenant, Dutch Police) Joint Chairs SEBP-NL – Netherlands. 
  • Stan Maclellan, Chief Administrative Officer, Durham Regional Police Service and Interim Chair, Canadian Society of Evidence-Based Policing – Canada.

Over the next six weeks, the Police Foundation will publish the best of this material as part of the Evidence-Based Policing: Leadership Insights starting with the question: “How did you get involved in leading work on Evidence-Based Policing in your country?”  

Police Foundation – Evidence-Based Policing: Leadership Insights series 

Part 1: How did you get involved in leading work on Evidence-Based Policing in your country? Watch here 

Part 2: What advice would you give to an agency looking to take the first steps? Watch here 

Part 3: What’s more important – supporting the frontline or convincing executive decision-makers that evidence is a good idea? Is it either/or? Watch here 

Part 4: What’s the best example of an evidence-based policing initiative you’ve come across? Watch here 

Part 5: Over the next 10 years – what role will evidence-based thinking have on policing? How confident are you about the future? Watch here

Part 6: Looking forward to the Global Collaboration conferences in Melbourne and Cambridge 2024. Watch here